active thioester is harbored within a protected region in the thioester-containing domain . The pivotal step in the complement cascade is the activation of C3 by proteolysis to yield C3b, in which the TED domain relocates to a site that is 75100 A away from its original position in C3. This exposes the thioester to solvent, allowing it to subsequently bind covalently to antigenic surfaces; solvent-exposed Cys and Gln residues of the TED domain are also a feature of the human a2M. It is thus evident that molecules of the a2M superfamily must undergo major conformational changes upon activation, and that these events are crucial for their biological activities. Strikingly, a2M/C3-like molecules are not limited to metazoans. Sequence analyses of a number of bacterial genomes have recently identified a2M-like genes in several bacteria, most of which are pathogenic species and/or 20952447” colonize higher eukaryotes. This allowed for the identification of two classes of bacterial a2Ms, with the most common one carrying the CxEQ motif and being encoded by a gene that is often EW-7197 site located juxtaposed to the one coding for Penicillin-Binding Protein 1c. PBPs play key roles in the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan, a three-dimensional mesh that protects the bacterium from differences in osmotic pressure and gives it its shape. This observation led to the suggestion that bacterial a2Ms could act in partnership with PBP1c during infection, the former protecting bacteria from proteases, the latter acting in cell wall repair upon potential disruption of the outer membrane and destruction of the peptidoglycan. It is of note that disruption of the outer bacterial membrane could also occur in a non-infectious context, i.e., when members of the same bacterial community compete for nutrients. This suggests that a2Ms could be part of a bacterial defense mechanism. A second class of a2M, which in many species does not carry the CxEQ motif, was also identified amongst a large 23416332” number of bacterial strains within an operon coding for four additional lipoproteins, but the function of this class of molecule is less clear. E. coli carries both classes of a2Ms, and the mechanism of protease inhibition through a thioester-activation mechanism was confirmed for the a2M from the PBP1c-related class. This protein was also shown to be modifiable by methylamine and proteases, much like eukaryotic a2M. These findings reinforced the suggestion that bacteria, much like their eukaryotic counterparts, could employ a2M-like molecules to inhibit target proteases, thus facilitating the infection and colonization processes. Notably, however, eukaryotic a2Ms have been reported to exist as dimers and tetramers, whilst E. coli a2M is a monomer in solution. This fact could facilitate the characterization of the bacterial form, as well as the detailed comprehension of its functionality. However, it is unlikely that the mechanism of protease targeting by bacterial a2Ms involves physical entrapment, due to its monomeric nature. Here we report the structural characterization of a2M from Escherichia coli by small angle scattering and electron microscopy techniques in both native, methylamine-treated, and proteaseactivated forms. The overall shape of this monomeri a2M is highly reminiscent of that of C3, for which a high-resolution structure is available. Notably, SAXS experiments indicate that ECAM changes its conformation upon reaction with methylamine, chymotrypsin, or elastase. This modification is remi