cope with internal software. Slide scanning and measurement was performed on a Zeiss Mirax Desk with Mirax viewer software. The “In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit, Fluorescein” was used for detection of DNA fragmentation on paraffin sections by the so called “TUNEL reaction”, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. DNAse I treated cells were used as a positive control for the TUNEL assay. The TUNEL stained paraffin sections were analysed via fluorescence microscopy on a Nikon Eclipse 80i with internal software. Statistics Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism. Tumor sizes were analysed by the non-parametric Mann Whitney test. Histological quantifications were analysed by unpaired two-tailed Student’s t-test. The Logrank test was used for survival analysis. Differences were statistically significant at p#0.05 p#0.01 and p#0.005. Results Triterpenoids Amplify Melanoma Defence 4 Triterpenoids Amplify Melanoma Defence illustrations of the control group and the VTT group are shown while the microvessel count and statistics are shown on the diagram right. E. cleaved caspase-3 is slightly but not significantly increased by the treatment. Illustrations of 6145492 the control group and VTT are shown. The analysis 17526600 is shown in the right diagram. Significance levels are p#0.05, p#0.01 and p#0.005. Additional histology is shown in infiltrates with diffuse distribution proximal to the tumor, while distal infiltrates showed a nodular distribution pattern. The infiltrates were mainly composed of granulocytes, including eosinophil granulocytes. Two of four animals showed lymphocyte infiltrates with tumor infiltration in one animal. The VTT treated animals showed granulocyte infiltrates, including eosinophil granulocytes, which were of moderate density proximal to the tumor and very dense distal from the tumor. The STE treated animals showed weak to moderate infiltrates, mainly composed of granulocytes with some eosinophil granulocytes and also peritumoral lymphocyte infiltrates. In both experiments,.80% of the viable melanoma cells were positive for Ki-67, indicating strong proliferation in all groups. This shows that the AEB 071 price treatment does not influence proliferation in viable cells. The B16.F10 cells showed weak expression of the melanoma marker Melan-A. STE did not show significant effects on tumor growth in any experiment with dosages from 5 mg/kg to 71 mg/kg. Reduction of ML-I to 200 ng/kg completely abolished the growth inhibitory effect by the aqueous mistletoe extract. Discussion In oncology, experimental therapies in humans and in animal experiments have shown that tumor treatment may be more effective when combining standard chemotherapy with biologicals, immunomodulating agents or cell-based immunotherapies. For example, the multiple kinase inhibitor sorafenib can improve melanoma chemotherapy in animal models. Combining the contact sensitizer DNCB with dacarbazine is a strategy which improves chemotherapy in mice and humans by inducing a T-cell dependent immune response. Taken together, animal experiments indicate that combining immunological approaches and specific target small molecule inhibitors with standard chemotherapy can improve melanoma treatment. Our approach is similar by combining various active compounds with different modes of action from one plant of origin. Our study shows that the anti-tumor effect of aqueous mistletoe extracts can be amplified by enrichment with a solubilized triterpenoid extract from the mistle