were >200 cells/l were more likely to obtain a CD4+ above this HC030031 web threshold. Lastly, in a cohort of 3378 patients with various baseline CD4+ T-cell count, lack of immunological recovery was an independent predictor of clinical progression even in the subgroup of patients with baseline CD4 <200/l, when a composite measure was considered, but not for serious nADE or death. This study was not focused on patients with advanced stage of infection at baseline, whose risk of AIDS is greater during the first months of HAART. Moreover, percentage increase in CD4+ T-cell count may not be the best marker of immune-reconstitution in patients with low absolute CD4 + T-cell count and its clinical transferability may not be optimal for the sake of clinicians who may prefer CD4+ T-cell count increase above a cut-off. Whether patients who fail to increase their CD4+ T-cell count from below to more than 200 cells/l are at increased risk of severe nADE is, therefore, still unclear and merits further investigation. The aim of the present study was to assess whether immune-recovery during virological successful HAART among late-presenters is associated with the risk of severe non-AIDS related morbidity and mortality, independently of possible confounders. Materials and Methods Patient population Patients were included from the observational Italian MASTER Database Cohort. In brief, it is an ongoing prospective multicentre cohort that includes all patients in care for HIV infection in selected major Italian clinical centres. Data are collected using a common PubMed ID:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19775307 electronic database, which is used to manage the everyday activity of the outpatient HIV clinic in each centre. The MASTER cohort is therefore a dynamic database, as new patients presenting to clinical centres are continuously enrolled and patient drop-out rates reflect the real clinical practice. Patients are routinely seen every 34 PubMed ID:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19777101 months and demographic, laboratory, clinical and treatment information are collected during each visit. Data from centres are centralized, merged and checked for consistency on a 6-month basis. The database used for the present analysis was frozen in November 2011 and includes data from 8 clinical centres. HIV-1 infected patients who had initiated their first HAART regimen while nave to antiretroviral therapy between January 1st 1996 and December 31st 2009 were selected from the Italian MASTER Cohort. Other inclusion criteria were: CD4+ T-cell count <200 cells/l before HAART initiation; Two consecutive HIV plasma viral load <50 copies/ml within the first year of treatment; Age 18 years. Patients with HIV-2 infection and those with HIV plasma viral load <50 copies/ml before HAART initiation were excluded from the study. Outcome measures The outcome of interest was the occurrence of newly diagnosed serious nADE. Serious nADE included the following: any non AIDS-defining malignancy; cardiovascular events; severe non-AIDS defining infections; hepatic events; acute kidney injury formula, or kidney failure requiring dialysis or renal transplantation). A composite end-point, including nADE, AIDS-defining events and death for any cause, was used as secondary outcome measure. Serious nADE were considered only if no event of that specific category had occurred before the study baseline, in a time window covering 1 year before and 1 year after HAART initiation. In addition, episodic pneumonia did not concur to define a newly diagnosed nADE among patients with a previous diagnosis of recu