That of the wild type Ab42 oligomers. Ab42CC protofibrils therefore have an effect on synaptic activity that is comparable to what one would anticipate from biologically relevant aggregates used in previous studies of wild type Ab. (But the outcome of theexperiment does not exclude the possibility that the Ab42 oligomers used for comparison are morphologically different from the Ab42CC protofibrils.)Summary: Ab42CC protofibrils as a stable mimic of wild type protofibrilsProtofibrils were the first soluble aggregates of Ab to be observed [24,35], and their neurotoxicity was reported shortly thereafter [8]. Focus on protofibrils was further motivated by AD genetics since the Arctic Glu22Gly mutation in Ab which is associated with early on-set AD, results in an increased rate of protofibril formation [36]. Protofibrils form readily in vitro and they are easily prepared from solubilized Ab by size exclusion chromatography 16574785 [12]. However, they convert into amyloid fibrils; 20 mM samples of Ab42 form fibrils within a few hours of preparation in physiological buffer at room temperature [37]. Protofibrils may be kept at longer times under alkaline conditions [38]. However, preparations that are stable at physiological pH would have a range of applications in for instance cell biological assays and immunotherapeutic applications. AbCC was engineered to form hairpin conformations that are closed by an intramolecular disulfide bond between Cys21 and Cys30, which replace wild type Ala21 and Ala30. The motivation for this particular intramolecular linkage came from the observation of a corresponding hairpin of Ab in complex with an Affibody binding protein [18,39] and from a number of studies that indicate a propensity for such conformations in monomeric Ab [40,41,42,43]. We had, in connection to these order BIBS39 observations, also suggested that the hairpin form of Ab is present in oligomeric aggregates, and it was subsequently also identified in soluble aggregates [44]. The initial characterization showed that Ab40CC and Ab42CC form soluble oligomeric and protofibrillar aggregates with properties similar to those formed by wild type Ab [16]. The aggregation occurs along two pathways that can be distinguished using the oligomer specific A11 serum and the mAb158 SMER 28 site monoclonal antibody, respectively [16]. Ab40CC has a tendency to form aggregates recognized by the A11 serum. Ab42CC, on the other hand, spontaneously aggregates along a pathway that involves formation of anti-parallel b-sheet secondary structure, which is also present in wild type Ab aggregates [45], to form protofibrils that are morphologically indistinguishable from wild type protofibrils when observed in electron microscopy. Aggregates formed along this “b-sheet” pathway are recognized by the mAb158 antibody, but not by the A11 serum. We found that they contain SDS-resistant oligomeric building blocks, with the same stoichiometry as in the SDS-stable aggregates of Ab that are directly associated with AD [46], and that they are powerful inducers of apoptosis in the SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line, which is not the case for monomeric or fibrillar peptide species.Figure 6. SDS-PAGE showing the separation of protein interaction partners of Ab42CC protofibrils (PF) extracted from human serum (M = molecular mass markers). The arrow indicates the band corresponding to apolipoprotein E. Essentially no binding is observed in control experiments with glycine-coated beads (-PF). The strong bands around 15 kD.That of the wild type Ab42 oligomers. Ab42CC protofibrils therefore have an effect on synaptic activity that is comparable to what one would anticipate from biologically relevant aggregates used in previous studies of wild type Ab. (But the outcome of theexperiment does not exclude the possibility that the Ab42 oligomers used for comparison are morphologically different from the Ab42CC protofibrils.)Summary: Ab42CC protofibrils as a stable mimic of wild type protofibrilsProtofibrils were the first soluble aggregates of Ab to be observed [24,35], and their neurotoxicity was reported shortly thereafter [8]. Focus on protofibrils was further motivated by AD genetics since the Arctic Glu22Gly mutation in Ab which is associated with early on-set AD, results in an increased rate of protofibril formation [36]. Protofibrils form readily in vitro and they are easily prepared from solubilized Ab by size exclusion chromatography 16574785 [12]. However, they convert into amyloid fibrils; 20 mM samples of Ab42 form fibrils within a few hours of preparation in physiological buffer at room temperature [37]. Protofibrils may be kept at longer times under alkaline conditions [38]. However, preparations that are stable at physiological pH would have a range of applications in for instance cell biological assays and immunotherapeutic applications. AbCC was engineered to form hairpin conformations that are closed by an intramolecular disulfide bond between Cys21 and Cys30, which replace wild type Ala21 and Ala30. The motivation for this particular intramolecular linkage came from the observation of a corresponding hairpin of Ab in complex with an Affibody binding protein [18,39] and from a number of studies that indicate a propensity for such conformations in monomeric Ab [40,41,42,43]. We had, in connection to these observations, also suggested that the hairpin form of Ab is present in oligomeric aggregates, and it was subsequently also identified in soluble aggregates [44]. The initial characterization showed that Ab40CC and Ab42CC form soluble oligomeric and protofibrillar aggregates with properties similar to those formed by wild type Ab [16]. The aggregation occurs along two pathways that can be distinguished using the oligomer specific A11 serum and the mAb158 monoclonal antibody, respectively [16]. Ab40CC has a tendency to form aggregates recognized by the A11 serum. Ab42CC, on the other hand, spontaneously aggregates along a pathway that involves formation of anti-parallel b-sheet secondary structure, which is also present in wild type Ab aggregates [45], to form protofibrils that are morphologically indistinguishable from wild type protofibrils when observed in electron microscopy. Aggregates formed along this “b-sheet” pathway are recognized by the mAb158 antibody, but not by the A11 serum. We found that they contain SDS-resistant oligomeric building blocks, with the same stoichiometry as in the SDS-stable aggregates of Ab that are directly associated with AD [46], and that they are powerful inducers of apoptosis in the SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line, which is not the case for monomeric or fibrillar peptide species.Figure 6. SDS-PAGE showing the separation of protein interaction partners of Ab42CC protofibrils (PF) extracted from human serum (M = molecular mass markers). The arrow indicates the band corresponding to apolipoprotein E. Essentially no binding is observed in control experiments with glycine-coated beads (-PF). The strong bands around 15 kD.