In South Korea made a similar patent application in 2001 [26]. Later, Kim et al. used 0.2 (W/V) sodium carbonate as the electrolyte to prepare pH 11.6 alkaline electrolyzed water for silk degumming and sericin 1317923 recovery [27]. The pH of the alkaline electrolyzed water reported above is stable for 8 days when stored at 4uC. It is generally believed that exposure to air, light, stirring and vibration during the storage of strongly alkaline or acidic electrolyzed water will affect the stability of the pH value, which tends to neutral within a few days. Hasegawa et al. added crystalline clay mineral salts as an electrolyte into water and the resulting pH 12.0 alkaline electrolyzed water was used for the degumming of modified silk fiber and fabrics and sericin recycling [28]. During the preparation of electrolyzed water described above, the electrolysis accelerator must be added for the preparation of strongly alkaline electrolyzed water (SAEW). An increased mineral salt content in the degumming solution affects the efficiency of sericin purification and recovery. Until now, apart from the patent applications mentioned above, there is no report of the use of SAEW as a degumming/scouring agent for silk floss, silk spinning or the production of raw silk fabrics or effects on the mechanical properties of the fiber.precipitated from tap water by electrolysis. We 18204824 observed that the acidic electrolyzed water and the filtered SAEW were very Epigenetic Reader Domain transparent. In order to determine the pH stability of the electrolyzed water during storage, tap water was used to prepare pH 12.10 SAEW and pH 11.60 SAEW. Figure 1 shows that the pH 12.10 (red filled dots) and pH 11.60 (blue filled dots) SAEWs stored in closed containers at 4uC and at 25uC maintained their original pH value for 1 month, when the values were 12.00 and 11.50, respectively. When the two SAEWs were stored in open containers at 4uC and 25uC, their pH values decreased markedly; after 1 month the pH values were 10.81 and 8.22, respectively. It is clear that the stability of the SAEW pH value in closed containers is much greater than that in open containers at 4uC and at 25uC. The pH value of the SAEW stored in the open state would slowly decrease, because CO2 existed in the air would reacted with a higher concentrations of OH2 in the SAEW, resulting to generate a weak acid HCO3. As long as air is excluded, SAEW can be stored for long periods with a little change of pH. This result is a little inconsistent with the earlier report by Hasegawa et al [28] because of the addition of the electrolyte such as mineral salts, NaCl promoting water hydrolysis. The results presented above show that, under airtight storage conditions, the pH of SAEW is as stable as that of acidic electrolyzed water.Hardness of SAEWFour types of water were analyzed: (1) pH 11.50 SAEW and (2) pH 3.00 acidic electrolyzed water were prepared with our laboratory-made water electrolyzer; (3) tap water (pH 8.00) and (4) ultrapure water (18.0 MV cm). Ca2+ and Mg2+, the main Epigenetics determinants of water hardness, as well as Na+ and K+ were measured (Table 1). The analysis gave the following results: tap water, pH ,8, Ca2+ and Mg2+ together, 29.31 mg/L, Na+44.6 mg/L and K+5.05 mg/L. Ultrapure water, pH 8.23, Ca2+4.28 mg/L, Mg2+0.80 mg/L, Na+2.77 mg/L and + K 0.91 mg/L. The concentrations of Ca2+, Na+ and K+ were greatly decreased in acidic electrolyzed water but the concentration of Mg2+ was little changed. The concentrations of Ca2+ (16.76 mg/L) a.In South Korea made a similar patent application in 2001 [26]. Later, Kim et al. used 0.2 (W/V) sodium carbonate as the electrolyte to prepare pH 11.6 alkaline electrolyzed water for silk degumming and sericin 1317923 recovery [27]. The pH of the alkaline electrolyzed water reported above is stable for 8 days when stored at 4uC. It is generally believed that exposure to air, light, stirring and vibration during the storage of strongly alkaline or acidic electrolyzed water will affect the stability of the pH value, which tends to neutral within a few days. Hasegawa et al. added crystalline clay mineral salts as an electrolyte into water and the resulting pH 12.0 alkaline electrolyzed water was used for the degumming of modified silk fiber and fabrics and sericin recycling [28]. During the preparation of electrolyzed water described above, the electrolysis accelerator must be added for the preparation of strongly alkaline electrolyzed water (SAEW). An increased mineral salt content in the degumming solution affects the efficiency of sericin purification and recovery. Until now, apart from the patent applications mentioned above, there is no report of the use of SAEW as a degumming/scouring agent for silk floss, silk spinning or the production of raw silk fabrics or effects on the mechanical properties of the fiber.precipitated from tap water by electrolysis. We 18204824 observed that the acidic electrolyzed water and the filtered SAEW were very transparent. In order to determine the pH stability of the electrolyzed water during storage, tap water was used to prepare pH 12.10 SAEW and pH 11.60 SAEW. Figure 1 shows that the pH 12.10 (red filled dots) and pH 11.60 (blue filled dots) SAEWs stored in closed containers at 4uC and at 25uC maintained their original pH value for 1 month, when the values were 12.00 and 11.50, respectively. When the two SAEWs were stored in open containers at 4uC and 25uC, their pH values decreased markedly; after 1 month the pH values were 10.81 and 8.22, respectively. It is clear that the stability of the SAEW pH value in closed containers is much greater than that in open containers at 4uC and at 25uC. The pH value of the SAEW stored in the open state would slowly decrease, because CO2 existed in the air would reacted with a higher concentrations of OH2 in the SAEW, resulting to generate a weak acid HCO3. As long as air is excluded, SAEW can be stored for long periods with a little change of pH. This result is a little inconsistent with the earlier report by Hasegawa et al [28] because of the addition of the electrolyte such as mineral salts, NaCl promoting water hydrolysis. The results presented above show that, under airtight storage conditions, the pH of SAEW is as stable as that of acidic electrolyzed water.Hardness of SAEWFour types of water were analyzed: (1) pH 11.50 SAEW and (2) pH 3.00 acidic electrolyzed water were prepared with our laboratory-made water electrolyzer; (3) tap water (pH 8.00) and (4) ultrapure water (18.0 MV cm). Ca2+ and Mg2+, the main determinants of water hardness, as well as Na+ and K+ were measured (Table 1). The analysis gave the following results: tap water, pH ,8, Ca2+ and Mg2+ together, 29.31 mg/L, Na+44.6 mg/L and K+5.05 mg/L. Ultrapure water, pH 8.23, Ca2+4.28 mg/L, Mg2+0.80 mg/L, Na+2.77 mg/L and + K 0.91 mg/L. The concentrations of Ca2+, Na+ and K+ were greatly decreased in acidic electrolyzed water but the concentration of Mg2+ was little changed. The concentrations of Ca2+ (16.76 mg/L) a.