457 and NJ9709 differed in their sensitivity to Aprotinin site DNaseI treatment, with DNaseI significantly inhibiting biofilm formation in S. epidermidis NJ9709 and having little to no effect in S. epidermidis 1457. Dispersion B (DspB) is an enzyme first isolated from Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans that breaks down the polysaccharide PNAG or PIA [52] and has been shown to inhibit biofilm formation in a number of bacterial species [64]. The polysaccharide PNAG or PIA is synthesized by the products of the S. aureus intercellular adhesion (ica) locus [65]. Given that S. aureus is known to form biofilms through both ica-dependent and ica-independent mechanisms [66,67], we sought to determine the functional role of PIA in the biofilm matrix of swine LA-MRSA strains by testing whether or not the PNAG-degrading enzyme DspB could inhibit biofilm formation in these strains. When added to the culture medium at the time of inoculation, DspB did not inhibit biofilm formation by any ofthe S. aureus strains tested (Figure 4). In contrast, biofilm formation by the S. epidermidis strains 1457 and NJ9709 was strongly inhibited by DspB. This is consistent with previous findings and demonstrates that the polysaccharide PNAG does not play as significant a structural role in S. aureus as it does in S. epidermidis [59].Dispersal of pre-formed biofilms by enzymatic treatmentTo further characterize the role of proteins, DNA, and/or polysaccharide in biofilms, specifically the contribution of each to the development of late stage biofilms, we tested the ability of Proteinase K, DNaseI and DspB to SC144 msds disrupt statically established mature biofilms. Figure 5 shows 24 hour biofilms formed in microtitre plates after a 2 hour treatment with Proteinase K. Incubation of these pre-formed and mature biofilms with Proteinase K caused significant detachment in nearly all S. aureus strains tested (Figure 5). In contrast,PLOS ONE | www.plosone.orgSwine MRSA Isolates form Robust BiofilmsFigure 2. Inhibition of biofilm formation by Proteinase K. Strains tested are shown along the x-axis and grouped based on methicillin-sensitivity and isolation source. The indicated strains were grown statically for 24 hours in media alone (- Prot. K) or in media supplemented with 100 /ml Proteinase K (+ Prot. K). Biofilm formation was quantified by standard microtiter assays and measuring the absorbance at 538 nm, plotted along the y-axis. Bars represent the average absorbance obtained from at least 3 independent plates representing biological replicates; error bars represent the SEM. Asterisks (*) denote a p-value less than 0.05 between the treated and untreated groups.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073376.gProteinase K caused little to no detachment in mature biofilms of S. epidermidis strains 1457 and NJ9709 (Figure 5). Treatment of pre-formed biofilms by DNaseI, shown in Figure 6, had a varying effect on biofilm dispersal. Similar to the inhibition assay, a range of sensitivity to dispersal by DNaseI was observed. As shown in Table 3, biofilm dispersal by DNaseI ranged from near complete (greater than 90 reduction in biofilm biomass) to very little dispersal (USA100, SH1000, USA300, MRS1008, TCH1516 and MRS935 showed a less than 40 reduction in biofilm biomass). The biofilms formed by the ST398 strains were all moderately to highly sensitive to dispersal by DNaseI (Figure 6 and Table 3). In contrast, strains from other STs, including swine isolates (such as MN55, MN56, MRS935 and MRS1008) formed biofi.457 and NJ9709 differed in their sensitivity to DNaseI treatment, with DNaseI significantly inhibiting biofilm formation in S. epidermidis NJ9709 and having little to no effect in S. epidermidis 1457. Dispersion B (DspB) is an enzyme first isolated from Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans that breaks down the polysaccharide PNAG or PIA [52] and has been shown to inhibit biofilm formation in a number of bacterial species [64]. The polysaccharide PNAG or PIA is synthesized by the products of the S. aureus intercellular adhesion (ica) locus [65]. Given that S. aureus is known to form biofilms through both ica-dependent and ica-independent mechanisms [66,67], we sought to determine the functional role of PIA in the biofilm matrix of swine LA-MRSA strains by testing whether or not the PNAG-degrading enzyme DspB could inhibit biofilm formation in these strains. When added to the culture medium at the time of inoculation, DspB did not inhibit biofilm formation by any ofthe S. aureus strains tested (Figure 4). In contrast, biofilm formation by the S. epidermidis strains 1457 and NJ9709 was strongly inhibited by DspB. This is consistent with previous findings and demonstrates that the polysaccharide PNAG does not play as significant a structural role in S. aureus as it does in S. epidermidis [59].Dispersal of pre-formed biofilms by enzymatic treatmentTo further characterize the role of proteins, DNA, and/or polysaccharide in biofilms, specifically the contribution of each to the development of late stage biofilms, we tested the ability of Proteinase K, DNaseI and DspB to disrupt statically established mature biofilms. Figure 5 shows 24 hour biofilms formed in microtitre plates after a 2 hour treatment with Proteinase K. Incubation of these pre-formed and mature biofilms with Proteinase K caused significant detachment in nearly all S. aureus strains tested (Figure 5). In contrast,PLOS ONE | www.plosone.orgSwine MRSA Isolates form Robust BiofilmsFigure 2. Inhibition of biofilm formation by Proteinase K. Strains tested are shown along the x-axis and grouped based on methicillin-sensitivity and isolation source. The indicated strains were grown statically for 24 hours in media alone (- Prot. K) or in media supplemented with 100 /ml Proteinase K (+ Prot. K). Biofilm formation was quantified by standard microtiter assays and measuring the absorbance at 538 nm, plotted along the y-axis. Bars represent the average absorbance obtained from at least 3 independent plates representing biological replicates; error bars represent the SEM. Asterisks (*) denote a p-value less than 0.05 between the treated and untreated groups.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073376.gProteinase K caused little to no detachment in mature biofilms of S. epidermidis strains 1457 and NJ9709 (Figure 5). Treatment of pre-formed biofilms by DNaseI, shown in Figure 6, had a varying effect on biofilm dispersal. Similar to the inhibition assay, a range of sensitivity to dispersal by DNaseI was observed. As shown in Table 3, biofilm dispersal by DNaseI ranged from near complete (greater than 90 reduction in biofilm biomass) to very little dispersal (USA100, SH1000, USA300, MRS1008, TCH1516 and MRS935 showed a less than 40 reduction in biofilm biomass). The biofilms formed by the ST398 strains were all moderately to highly sensitive to dispersal by DNaseI (Figure 6 and Table 3). In contrast, strains from other STs, including swine isolates (such as MN55, MN56, MRS935 and MRS1008) formed biofi.