El 2 Indicators (Constant) Model two Temp. Humidity B SE 0.601 0.029 0.011 0.000 0.384 0.472 t p2 0.091 0.047 0.018 0.764 two.077 0.017 Adjusted R 2 F p0.0.041 1.Multicollinearity Test and Hymeglusin Data Sheet Durbin atson Statistics Variance Inflation Element Temperature 2.09 Humidity two.09 Lag 1 Durbin atson Statistics Autocorrelation 0.02 D 1.77 p 0. p 0.05. 2 Calculated probabilities of every independent variable. three Calculated probabilities of every single model. B: unstandardized coefficient; SE: regular error; : standardized coefficient; Temp: temperature; Solar Rad: solar radiation; PAR: photosynthetically active radiation.3.five.5. Experimental Internet site 4 (900 Trees/ha) Regression benefits for the fourth experimental group, the 900/ha region, are shown in Table 7. Prior to the evaluation on the outcomes, Durbin atson statistics have been calculated to confirm its D value, along with the resulting worth was two.07, close to two.00, and it was determined to be suitable for any multiple regression analysis model. The explanatory energy of Model 2 was 70.three , and also the significance probability of Model two was 0.003, confirming that no less than a single independent variable had a considerable effect around the dependent variable. In addition, a multicollinearity test on Model 2 confirmed that all independent variables possess a variance inflation factor (VIF) of less than 10, indicating there isn’t any multicollinearity. Amongst the independent variables integrated in the regression model, temperature (p 0.01) and wind speed (p 0.05) had a significant effect around the dependent variable, TNVOC emissions, within the 900/ha area. Additionally, regression evaluation shows that larger temperature (B = 0.046), solar radiation (B = 0.020), and PAR (B = 0.007) result in greater TNVOC emissions at the surveyed web page, and larger wind speed (B = 0.664) benefits in decrease TNVOC emissions. Amongst the independent variables of Model two, temperature, wind speed, solar radiation, and PAR, temperature ( = 0.731) was shown to have a higher effect on TNVOC emissions inside the 900/ha web site. The regression equation of Model two for prediction of TNVOC emissions inside the 900/ha study web page is shown under. TNVOC = 1.192 0.046 (Temperature) 0.664 (Wind Speed) 0.020 (Solar Radiation) 0.007 (PAR)Table 7. Niaprazine Formula results of regression evaluation of experimental website (900 trees/ha). Multiple Linear Regression and FTest of Model 1 and Model two. Indicators (Continual) Temp. Model 1 Humidity Wind Speed Solar Rad. PAR (Constant) Temp. Model two Wind Speed Solar Rad. PAR B SE 0.421 0.016 0.006 0.634 0.012 0.004 0.391 0.010 0.269 0.010 0.003 0.000 0.822 0.111 t p2 0.021 0.028 0.867 0.398 0.145 0.157 0.014 0.002 0.036 0.073 0.059 0.703 eight.703 0.003 0.667 6.218 0.012 Adjusted R 2 F p(four)0.0.043 0.two.two.677 0.488 0.000 0.2.two.031 two.Atmosphere 2021, 12,15 ofTable 7. Cont. Multicollinearity Test and Durbin atson Statistics Variance Inflation Aspect Temperature three.78 Wind Speed 7.70 Solar Rad. eight.95 PAR two.54 Lag 1 Durbin atson Statistics Autocorrelation D 2.07 p 0.0. p 0.05, p 0.01. two Calculated probabilities of every single independent variable. three Calculated probabilities of each model. B: unstandardized coefficient; SE: standard error; : standardized coefficient; Temp: temperature; Solar Rad: solar radiation; PAR: photosynthetically active radiation.3.five.6. Experimental Web site 5 (1000 Trees/ha) Regression final results for the final experimental group, the 1000/ha area, are shown in Table 8. Prior to the evaluation with the final results,.