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Fridley et al. BMC Health-related Genomics 2014, 7:21 http://www.biomedcentral/1755-8794/7/RESEARCH ARTICLEOpen AccessMethylation of leukocyte DNA and ovarian cancer: relationships with disease status and outcomeBrooke L Fridley1*, Sebastian M Armasu2, Mine S Cicek2, Melissa C Larson2, Chen Wang2, Stacey J Winham2, Kimberly R Kalli3, Devin C Koestler1,4, David N Rider2, Viji Shridhar5, Janet E Olson2, Julie M Cunningham5 and Ellen L GoodeAbstractBackground: Genome-wide interrogation of DNA methylation (DNAm) in blood-derived leukocytes has turn into feasible with the advent of CpG genotyping arrays. In epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC), one particular report identified substantial DNAm variations in between circumstances and controls; nevertheless, several of these disease-associated CpGs have been attributed to differences in white blood cell kind distributions. Approaches: We examined blood-based DNAm in 336 EOC circumstances and 398 controls; we consist of.