Product Name :
Somatostatin polyclonal antibody



Molecular Weight:

Solubility :


Use/Stability :
Dilute to working strength with 50mM PBS (pH 7.4) containing 1.5% sodium chloride and 1% normal goat serum (if a goat anti-rabbit IgG linker antibody is to be used). Store diluted antibody at 2-4°C (do not freeze) and use within 1 month.

Since the discovery of somatostatin-14 (SOM-14) in ovine hypothalamus, several other forms of somatostatin-like immunoreactants of different molecular weight have been reported, including somatostatin-28 which expresses the full SOM-14 sequence at its C-terminus (SOM-28[15-28]). In mammals both molecular forms are encoded at the C-terminus of the somatostatin precursor molecule.133321-35-4 Biological Activity Hundreds of immunolocalisation studies have been published demonstrating the existence of somatostatin-like molecules in neurons, in pancreatic islet D cells and in endocrine cells distributed throughout the mammalian gut, as well as in rare endocrine tumours (so-called somatostatinomas). The molecular forms appear to be co-packaged in dense-cored secretory granules, frequently with other transmitter substances. A recent paper has shown that the majority of somatostatin-containing axons in the rat spinal cord express vesicular gluatamate transporter protein-2 (VGLUT2).2130958-55-1 MedChemExpress




Additional Information :
| Application IHC (FS), IHC (PS) | Formulation Liquid serum which has been clarified, but not purified, and contains 0.PMID:30000343 01M sodium azide. | Host Rat | Immunogen Somatostatin-28. | Species Reactivity Species independent | Specificity Recognizes somatostatin in a wide range of species. | UniProt ID P61278 | Unit of Measure (UM) µl

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