multiple comparisons. . It was confirmed that all subjects had both parents living and had a good relationship with them. All subjects were right handed. The study was also approved by the ethical committee of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and all subjects gave written informed consent to take part in accordance with the latest revision of the Declaration of Helsinki. Subjects’ privacy rights were always observed. Subjects in the OXT group were administered the higher routine OXT dose of 40IU or PLC. The experimental paradigm started 45 min after OXT or PLC treatment as in Experiment 1. In post-experiment interviews subjects were unable to identify better than chance whether they had received the OXT or PLC treatment. Before treatment subjects also completed NEO-FFI, PANAS, STAI, SES and IOS questionnaires and additionally the Self-Construal Scale. fMRI Acquisition A high-resolution T1-weighted structural volume was acquired using a GE 3.0T MRI scanner to measure changes in blood oxygenation level-dependent activity. During each fMRI scan, a time series of volumes was acquired using a T2 -weighted 4 Zhao et al. Oxytocin Increases Perceived Value of Possessions echo planar imaging pulse sequence. The 3D spoiled gradient recalled sequence used the following parameters: repetition time, 6 ms; echo time, 2 ms; flip angle, 9; field of view, 256 256 mm2; acquisition matrix, 256 256; thickness, 1 mm without gap. correction was also applied with the mPFC region as defined in the Wake Forest University PickAtlas, and we thresholded the result using p < 0.05. Region of Interest Analysis Individual dorsal mPFC activation was extracted from an 8 mm radius sphere centered at co-ordinates previously identified in an independent sample. The co-ordinate for the 8 mm ventral mPFC sphere was chosen on the basis of our whole brain analysis in the self-ownership condition across the two groups. An additional 8 mm dmPFC sphere using co-ordinate was chosen on the basis of our whole brain analysis of self vs. remote others across the two groups. These ROIs were all defined using MarsBar to extract neural activation for further analysis PubMed ID: during the price stage. Pearson correlation analysis was used to determine associations between regional activation and behavior. fMRI Data Processing fMRI data were analyzed using SPM8. Slice timing was used to correct slice order, images were realigned to correct for head movement based on a six-parameter rigid body algorithm and the first five images were discarded to achieve magnet-steady images. These images were then normalized to MNI space in 3 mm 3 mm 3 mm voxel sizes. The normalized data were spatially smoothed with a Gaussian kernel; the full width at half maximum was specified as 8 mm 8 mm 8 mm. After pre-processing, 10 regressors were modeled to create the design matrix. They were convolved with the canonical hemodynamic response function, and the six realignment parameters for each subject were also included as confounding factors. For all of the task-related analyses neural activity and functional connectivity changes were divided into two phases. The first is defined as the difference between the initial fixation period for each trial and the HC-067047 web presentation period of the item by itself and the item together with a suggested price. The second phase is the difference between the second 13 s fixation and the 3 s period where subjects respond using the key press whether to accept the pri