Pregulation of IGFBP7 in BMSCs while undergoing osteogenic differentiation and treatment
Pregulation of IGFBP7 in BMSCs while undergoing osteogenic differentiation and treatment with exogenous rhIGFBP7 further stimulating osteoblast activity. IGFBP7 treatment led to a significant downregulation of DKK1, a major osteoblast inhibitory molecule in MM [9]. Furthermore, we were able to show that IGFBP7 can neutralize the inhibitory effects of activin A on osteoblast development. Activin A mediated inhibition of osteogenesis leads to uncoupling of the delicate balance between bone formation and degradation thus contributing to myeloma related bone destruction [10,47]. Our results suggest that the downregulation of IGFBP7 in the myeloma microenvironment enables activin A to release its full destructive potential. Possibly, the lack of IGFBP7 in the microenvironment is aggravated by low or absent intrinsic expression of IGFBP7 in myeloma cells. In contrast, in myeloma cases with high IGFBP7 expression the downregulation of this molecule in the microenvironment might be counterbalanced by production in myeloma cells, possibly explaining the correlation of higher intrinsic IGFBP7 expression and absence of advanced bone disease. In line with this, prior studies reported osteolytic lesions to occur less frequently in myeloma cases harboring a translocation t(4;14) [48].Conclusions Taken together, our results suggest that IGFBP7 might play a dual role in the pathophysiology of MM. Maintained expression of IGFBP7 in myeloma cells represents a novel prognostic marker linked to prognostically adverse chromosomal aberrations and a specific epigenetic profile. In stromal cells in the vicinity of MM cells IGFBP7 expression is suppressed, releasing the full potential of osteoblast inhibitory molecules like activin A, which then promote myeloma bone disease. In addition, these findings might provide a mechanistic link for the reduced frequency of osteolytic lesions in t(4;14) associated high-risk myeloma. MethodsPatientsPatients presenting with previously untreated MM (n = 332) or monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS; n = 22) at the University Hospitals of Heidelberg and Montpellier (HM group) as well as 10 healthy normal donors have been included in the study approved by the Heidelberg ethics committee (#229/ 2003 and S-152/2010) after written informed consent was EPZ004777 mechanism of action obtained in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Patients were diagnosed, staged and response to treatment assessed according to standard criteria. Normal bone marrow plasma cells and myeloma cells were purified as previously published [13,44]. MemoryBolomsky et al. Journal of Hematology Oncology (2015) 8:Page 11 ofB cells (MBCs; n = 11) and polyclonal plasmablasts (PPCs; n = 10) were obtained as reported [49]. Aliquots of unpurified whole bone marrow from myeloma patients (n = 154) and healthy donors were obtained after NH4 lysis. Bone disease was assessed by conventional X-ray and whole body CT scan and graded as 0 (normal bone structure), 1 (osteopenia/osteoporosis), 2 (1? osteolyses) or 3 (major structural damage, >3 osteolyses) as PubMed ID: described previously [44]. The prognostic impact of IGFBP7 expression data was validated on an independent cohort of 701 newly diagnosed, therapy-requiring patients treated within the total therapy 2 or 3 protocol, respectively (LR group), for whom gene expression data are publicly available (see below) [50,51]. All patients in both cohorts, i.e. the HMand the LR-group, received high-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous ste.